JavaScript DOM may be used to manipulate form elements trhough and array or directly. The table below is showing properties and methods that are approachable by DOM.

Form manipulating properties and methods

acceptCharset property Sets or resets the accept-charset attribute.
action property Specifies which action to take after submission.
autocomplete property Sets the autocomplete attribute to OFF or ON.
disabled property Sets a field to be disabled or reads if it already is disabled.
elements[] property Returns collection of elements.
enctype property Specifies the enctype attribute.
form property Points which form (in multiform concept) a field belongs to.
length property Reads how many elements there are in a form.
method property Defines or reads the method attribute of a form.
name property Sets or returns the name of an element.
noValidate property Declares whether to validate or not a form.
readonly property Sets a field to be readonly or reads if it already is readonly.
reset() method Resets all elements in a form.
submit() method Submits the form.
tabIndex property Defines the order of TAB.
target property Spcifies the target attribute for a form.
type property Sets or returns the type of an input field.
value property Reads or writes the value of a field.

Input field manipulating properties and methods

color property Input allows user to select a color.
date property Input allows user to select a date.
datetime property Input allows user to select a date and time with timezone.
email property Input allows user to enter an email.
month property Input allows user to select a month.
number property Input allows user to enter a number.
range property Input allows user to enter a number within a range.
search property Input is used as search field.
tel property Input allows user to enter a telephone number.
time property Input allows user to select a time without timezone.
url property Input allows user to enter an URL.
week property Input allows user to select a week.

Select and option fields manipulating properties and methods

options[] property Returns collection of options.
disabled property Sets a select field to be disabled or reads if it already is disabled.
form property Returns the form reference for the drop-down.
length property Reads how many elements there are in a drop-down..
multiple property Defines if more then one option may be selected.
name property Sets or returns the name of an element.
size property Sets or returns how many options are visible.
selectedIndex property Sets or returns the selected option.
type property Returns the type of a drop-down list, select one or multiple.
value property Returns the value of selected option.
add() method Adds an option to a list at the point given as an argument.
remove() method Removes an option from a list.