Events in JavaScript are described as on of the two possible principles, that is the event bubbling principle and the event capturing principle. Events are generally handled by event listening and handling methods, and via the Event object. Furthermore events are grouped together by the type of action performed, such as mouse events, keyboard events, etc... They are listed in below tables.

Event types and actions

clipboard events oncopy, oncut, onpaste HTMLDOM
composition events compositionend, compositionstart, compositionupdate DOM3
focus events onblur, onfocus, onfocusin, onfocusout. DOM3
form events onblur, onchange, onfocus, onfocusin, onfocusout, onsubmit, onreset HTMLDOM
keyboard events onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup HTMLDOMDOM3
mouse events onclick, oncontextmenuondblclick, onmouseenter, onmouseexit, onmousedown, onmouseleave, onmousemove, onmouseup, onmouseout, onmouseover HTMLDOMDOM3
print events onafterprint, onbeforeprint DOM3
text events data, inputMethod, textInput DOM3
user interface events onabort, onerror, onload, onscroll, onselect, onresize, onunload  DOM3
wheel events deltaMode, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ, onmousewheel HTMLDOM3
window and frame events DOMContentLoaded, onabort, onbeforeunload, onerror, onhashchange, onload, onpagehide, onpageshow, onresize, onscroll, onunload  HTMLDOM, DOM2

Events general methods

addEventListener() Adds an event listener to a given element.
attachEvent() Attaches an event to an existing event handler function.
detachEvent() Detaches an event to an existing event handler function.
removeEventListener() Removes an event listener (handler) from a given element.

Event object methods and properties

bubbles property Event bubbles.
cancelable property Event can be canceled.
currentTarget property Node (element) target for the event.
defaultPrevented property Checks if default is canceled.
detail property Information about the event.
eventPhase property Checks the phase.
preventdefault() method Cancels all default behaviour.
stopImmediatePropagation() method Cancels further event propagation and stops other event handlers from being called.
stopPropagation() method Cancels further event propagation.
target property Event's target.
trusted property Event was created with JavaScript.
type property Type of event fired.

Mouse buttons event properties

button Returns the value with mouse button that was pressed.
buttons Returns the mouse buttons that were pressed (if more then one was pressed).
which Returns the value with mouse button that was pressed with increment of one.

Keyboard event properties

altkey Returns true if ALT key is pressed.
charcode Returns an ASCII character in a form of a number of the pressed key.
ctrlkey Returns true if CTRL key.
key Returns the key value of the pressed key.
keycode Returns an Unicode character of the pressed key.
location Returns the location of the pressed key.
metakey Returns true if the ‘meta’ key in Windows or a ‘cmd’ key in Mac are pressed.
shiftkey Returns true if a ‘shift’ key is pressed.
which Returns a Unicode character code of the key which triggered the onkeypress event.

Retrieving character back from keycode or charcode property can be also done by using fromCharCode() function.