The Event object conveys occurring HTML document's events to its handlers. The object is passed to event handlers by default and without an user defining it, in both DOM0 and DOM2. It holds the information on the element that caused an event, which type of event was triggered, …etc. For instance, mouse action events hold information on retrieving precise co-ordinates of the mouse, a keyboard events reports what key was pressed …etc. The list of methods and properties passed in the Event object is given in table:

The Event object methods and properties




Read only. Boolean property.

True: event bubbles


Read only. Boolean property.

True: default behavior


Read only. Element property.

Node to which this event handler is assigned


Read only. Boolean property.

True: preventDefault() has been called.


Read only, integer property.

Extra information regarding event


Read only, integer property.

Phase during which event handler is called.

1-capturing phase

2-at target



Cancels default behavior for the event. This method is used when cancelable is true.


Cancels further event capturing or event bubbling and prevents any other event handlers from being called.


If bubbles is true this method is used. It prevents any further capturing and bubbling.


Read only, Element property.

Target of the event


Read only. Boolean property.

True: Event was generated by browser.

False: Event was created by user using javascript


Read only. String property.

Type of event fired

Example of the Event object combined with mouse events

In the example below a mouseover event is triggered when the mouse is moved over a paragraph. The Event object is passed to its handler without user adding it. The program outputs the type of the event as mouseover. Similarly event type can be displayed for all other events.


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