Latest Tutorials

PHP references - PHP mathematical extensions

PHP includes numerous libraries and functions to facilitates working with mathematical calcluations. These functions are listed below:

PHP references - PHP superglobal variables

Superglobal variables in PHP are built-in predefined variables that may be accessed throught a script's scope.

XML tutorial introduction

The XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. The XML is useful for structuring data and information. It is recommended by

What is XML?

What is XML? The XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. The XML web language has following usages and purpos...

XML must be well formed

An XML document is said to be well formed if it follows it’s syntax rules very closely. The rules that must apply to an XML document are listed below:

Structure of an XML document

XML data can be in a form of document or in a form of data, which gets exchanged between application and server or between applications, etc... Elements of XML docum...