Objects are very important data type in JavaScript. They may be made of any specific or non-specific group of data types and functionality.

Objects can be created more then one way, here are two most common:

Object initialization:

var obj = {property1: value1,   property2:value2, ….. property:valueN};

Constructor function:

function objConstructor(arg1, arg2, arg3){

   // properties...

   // methods...


var obj = new objConstructor(arg1, arg2, arg3); //Creating object using constructor.

Object constructor defines object's own properties and methods (functions) that developer choses specially for that object or group of objects. The pre-defined or integrated methods and properties are listed below.

Naming convention for OOP

abstraction Abstraction refers to declaring methods and hiding their implementation
class Classes in JavaScrtipt don't exist and are replaced with constructor functions.
constructor Constructor is a function (or a method) that initiates new object's instance with common properties and methods.
encapsulation Ensures that the private constructor data defined with var (not this) keyword is / are available only within that object.
inheritance Inheritence refers to properties and methods inherited from a parent object by another initialized object.
method Methods are functions defined inside a constructor and initialized when an instance is created. They are frequently used to define actions on the properties.
namespace Identifiers, methods and functions under specific name.
object Object as an instance of a constructor and is created with keyword new
polymorphism A function defined in a parent constructor with various implementations.
property Properties are variables defined inside a constructor and initialized when an instance is created.

Object creating patterns

constructors Creats an instance object from the constructor with the keyword new.
factory pattern Creats an instance object at run-time, without using keyword new.
listed patterns Creats an object with name-value pairs within {} brackets.
prototypes Creates an object from new Object() instance and allows changing the inherited properties and metho

Object creating patterns - expanded

combination inheritance Combination of prototpye chaining to inherit properties and methods constructor inheritance.
constructor / prototypes combination Efficient way of creating objects by making instances with a constructor and shared methods and properties with prototypes. 
constructor inheritance Inherited properties and methods from the parent instance.
dynamic prototype pattern The protoype inside a constructor gets initialized only if needed making the data encapsulated and code simpler.
parasitic constructor pattern A constructor creates and object and returns the object.
prototype chaining Linking of object's prototypes till reaching the main parent object and while implementing inheritence..
prototypal inheritance An empty constructor thate returns another constructor as a new instance of the object.

Pre-defined methods

create() Creates an object with specific prototype.
defineProperty() Defines the type of a prototypes property.
getPrototypeOf() Determines a prototype of an object.
hasOwnProperty() Checks for a property's existance.
isPrototypeOf() Checks if the object is a prototype of another object.
propertyIsEnuIerable() Checks if given property can be enumerated.
setPrototype() Sets a prototype of an object.
toLocaleString() Returns a string representation of the object that is appropriate for the local charset.
toString() Returns a string representation of the object.
valueOf() Returns a string, number, or Boolean equivalent of the object.

Pre-defined properties and operators

__proto__ Default inherited property that allows reading and writing to the prototype property.
in Checks for a property in a specified object.
instanceof Checks the type of the instance an object was created from.
prototype Default inherited property from a constructor that encapsulate all internally defined properties and methods.