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How to create a simple HTML page with XSLT?

The XSLT may transform an XML document into many types of documents such as HTML, plain text,

How to copy elements with XSLT?

When an XML document is converted to other form or another copy of the document is made, XSLT is used to...

How to create new elements with XSLT?

The <xsl:element> is used to create new element in XML document. This function is useful when an element’s name is determined...

How to create new attributes with XSLT?

The <xsl:attribute> is used to add attributes to elements. Thie function replaces the existing attributes with new ones.

Style sheets and XML

The Cascading Style Sheets can be added to XML file to add style to it’s contents. It can be done by adding one or more process...

CSS rules with XML

Adding Stylesheets The XML stylesheet


An XSLT stylesheet can introduce style to it’s output document using

What is XLink?

XLink is a W3C specification language which creates internal and external links in the XML documents.

XLink attributes

XLink provides attributes to mark the elements as linking elements. The global attributes which can be used...

XPointer and document fragments

XML Pointer (XPointer) framework is a W3C recommended language to point to fragments of XML...