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The floating-point data type or floats in PHP

Floating point numbers are often known as floats. They are numbers or a combination of numbers with a decimal point in it. An example of a floating point w...

The string data type in PHP

A string is a series of characters and in PHP it is represented same or similar as in other languages, that is, a string is represented inside a quotation

The array data type in PHP

Generally speaking, an array is a type of a matrix that stores multiple values in one variable. The PHP can generate one or multidimensional arrays....

The object data type in PHP

An object is a data type that stores other data, information and functions. An object is created by declaring a

The NULL data type in PHP

As it sounds, the data type which has not been assigned a value is defined as a NULL value . Any variable is considered to be a NULL if: I...

The arithmetic operators in PHP (+,-,*,/,%,**)

The arithmetic operators, same as in other programing langauges, are the most commonly used group of operators in the PHP. We can say that all the mathematical operations performed...

The assignment operators in PHP (=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=)

The assignment operators are to assign values to variables. The basic assignment operator is “=” sign, which can be used alone or in combination with a...

The bitwise operators in PHP (&,|,^,~,<<,>>)

The bitwise operators are used to evaluate variables value on a bit level, or in other words they are used to compare variables bit by bit. The bitwise op...

The comparison operators in PHP (==,===,!=,<>,!==,<,>,<=,>=)

The comparison operators are used to compare two or more variables. Comparison itself is performed numerically, for instance if a string is compared to another string, bo...

The error control operator in PHP (@)

The error operator is a PHP operator used in error diagnostics and reports.  An error control operator supported by PHP is the